Touch screen and LCD screen assembled white Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 T520 T520N View larger

Touch glass and assembled LCD white screen for Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 T520 T520N



Touch glass and LCD screen assembled white Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 T520 T520N.

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Data sheet

Pre-gluing of the glass: No: Not systematic: It is necessary either to recover the old one, or to buy adhesive "quarter rolls 2mm"
For what type of breakdown? Typical LCD or touch-sensitive problems: Display fault, black screen, image with faults. Touch problem, touch that does not respond or wrong. Screen that stays fixed on the logo at startup. Impossible to type or type anything.

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Touch glass and LCD screen assembled white Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 T520 T520N.

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Delivery Date

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for delivery between 15/11 and the 18/11/24

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